Picture of the Day

Inside Chiquitos at the junction of A30/Christchurch Road

Quote of the Day

Anything not worth doing is worth not doing well. Think about it.
--Elias Schwartz

Link of the Day

Rheged - the village in the hill
Named after Cumbria's Celtic Kingdom, Rheged is Europe's largest grass covered building and a winner of the global "BA Tourism for Tomorrow Awards".

Brighter Business

Brighter Business

A recent report by Business in the Community found that although progress is being made, there is a need for greater organisational awareness of the support required for better mental health at work.

The national survey found that:

·        3 in 4 employees have experienced symptoms of poor mental health.

·        77% of employees have experienced symptoms of poor mental health at some point in their lives and 29% of employees have been diagnosed with a mental health condition

·        62% of employees attributed their symptoms of poor mental health to work or said that work was a contributing factor

·        35% of employees did not approach anyone for support the last time they experienced poor mental health

·        9% of employees who experienced symptoms of poor mental health experienced disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal

·        76% of line managers believe they are responsible for employee wellbeing, but only 22% have received training

This report also includes recommendations and calls to action for employers.

The workplace is often the first place signs can be seen of a mental health issue but many don’t know how to spot signs or respond to them. Equally, a stressful work environment might contribute to mental health problems for some and this does not need to be the case. We hear every day that employers have a real desire to tackle this and many are doing some great things that we want to share. Employers need to recognise the scale of poor mental health in the workplace and take significant steps to reduce the risk of their workplace being a contributor.

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